At Catholic Charities of NE Florida, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and professional services to individuals and families in need, regardless of their background or beliefs. Our desire is to empower those we serve to achieve self-sufficiency and lead fulfilling lives. We rely on the support of generous donors to continue our mission of building a stronger community by addressing the root causes of poverty and helping people achieve their full potential. Please consider donating to Catholic Charities Jacksonville today and join us in making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.
We are a 501(C)3 Federal Tax ID 59-0624375
Your gift goes a long way
$75 – Feeds a family of four for a week.
$100 – Covers an average utility bill for one family.
$250 – Feeds a family of four for a month.
$1,500 – Keeps a family safe by paying rent, utilities and groceries for one month.
$2,500 – Helps homeless families secure and stabilize housing.
$15,000 – Keeps ten families safe by paying rent, utilities and groceries for one month.
We rely on the support of generous donors to continue our mission of building a stronger community by addressing the root causes of poverty and helping people achieve their full potential. Please consider donating to Catholic Charities Jacksonville today and join us in making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.
By Check:
Catholic Charities Jacksonville Regional Office
6 E Bay St, Suite 301
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Tribute and Memorial Gifts:
Contribute to Catholic Charities in honor of a person, in memory of someone who has died, or to mark an important occasion. We will send an appropriate acknowledgement of the contribution to you and to the person you specify to receive the notice.
Employee Matching Gifts:
Do you know if your employer would match your contribution to Catholic Charities? Many companies match dollar-for-dollar the money their employees give to nonprofits. Some also contribute to charities where their employees volunteer. Contact your Human Resources Department to obtain a matching gift form, fill out the employee portion and mail it to Catholic Charities.
Bridges to Hope: Planned Giving
Planned Giving supports Catholic Charities Jacksonville both now and into the future! There are many gift planning opportunities available to you as our benefactor when planning your estate. The simplest and easiest is to name Catholic Charities Jacksonville in your will or trust. We urge you to consider this and other options today to ensure that our Catholic faith and values are available in our community for years to come!
Types of Gifts Accepted:
Bequest, Remainder Interest Property, Retirement Plan Gift, Closely Held Business Interests, Gift of Real Estate, Oil, Gas, and Mineral Interests, Marketable Securities, Agricultural Commodities, Life Insurance, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Tangible Personal Property.
Please seek the advice of your attorney and/or financial planner regarding arrangements for making a faith legacy gift plan today. Thank you for leaving a lasting legacy of support for the future of Catholic Charities Jacksonville.
For more information on Bridges to Hope or any other concern regarding philanthropy please contact Courtney Partin: Director of Development (904) 224-0077 or CPartin@ccbjax.org